Advance Auto Parts Website


The Advance Auto Parts website is a digital storefront for products, services, and information. It was created to appeal to both existing customers and new visitors. The website needed to be mobile responsive as well as easy to use on desktops and other devices. It also needed better conversion rates because users were not purchasing items they wanted when they had trouble finding them on the website.

Visitors on the Advance Auto Parts website were having trouble finding what they needed.

You've probably seen the Advanced Auto Parts website, and if you did, you probably noticed that it was not user friendly. In fact, it was difficult for visitors to even find what they needed.

The search function didn't work properly; users could only search for products by entering their part number or vehicle type—there were no other options. The site wasn't mobile friendly either: when a person tried browsing on their phone, the content automatically resized itself so small as to be illegible. And finally, this website was not responsive—it didn't resize itself based on the size of any device's screen (like a phone or computer).

Users were not purchasing items they wanted to because they ran into errors.

Users were not purchasing items they wanted to because they ran into errors. This problem was causing users to leave the site and search for answers on google, which meant that our bounce rate was high.

Visitors wanted more information about the products before purchasing.

You can do this by using A/B testing, feature flagging and user sessions.

A/B testing will help you know how visitors are responding to your website. This is a method in which you create two versions of a page or website and compare the performance between them. If one performs better than another, then it means that one was more effective at achieving its goal or target audience's needs. Feature flagging allows you to enable or disable certain features of your website depending on who is visiting the site (e.g., mobile vs desktop). This allows you to test out new features without risking downtime for all users until there’s an approval from management; it also allows for better tracking since each user gets unique results based on their history on the site so that when they return later, everything feels familiar with no interruptions! User sessions allow developers who work remotely or through different teams within an organization to collaborate seamlessly across multiple devices without losing track of where things are at any given time; making sure everybody stays up-to-date while working together towards common goals!

The pages needed to be mobile friendly.

The pages needed to be mobile friendly.

Mobile users are a growing part of the market, so we wanted to make sure that your site was optimized for their needs. Mobile users need to be able to find what they are looking for easily and quickly, so we made sure that every page is responsive and can adjust itself depending on the device it's being viewed on. This means that no matter what device your customers use, they will always have an easy time navigating through your site.

Mobile users also want to be able to make purchases quickly and easily, so we made sure that our checkout process is quick and easy for them as well! In addition, because mobile devices can display less text than larger screens (like laptops), we made sure our site is readable by making all of our content short and concise so nothing gets lost in translation!

The new website is responsive, built on top of new technologies, and has a higher conversion rate.

The new website is responsive, built on top of new technologies, and has a higher conversion rate. The site looks different across devices and uses responsive design techniques to deliver the same great value to customers regardless of where they are or what device they're using. A lot of work has gone into making sure that the site is optimized for mobile viewing in both portrait and landscape modes.